Diocese of Moosonee Archives
The archives for the Diocese of Moosonee are held at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. This link will lead you to a page which will provide you with all the information needed for a search request of Diocesan & Anglican Church records.
Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario
Information on the mandate and work of this level of Church government.
The Anglican Church of Canada
Official site of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Council of the North Virtual Church School
Sunday School lessons for small, remote Church Schools that often are unable to afford educational materials, for any parish that is looking for creative materials and for families that are unable to make it to church on a Sunday.
Council of the North Prayer Cycle
Council of the North Prayer Cycles are available at this site.
Revised Common Lectionary
The readings for each Sunday are available at this site.
Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer
This site provides information on the Anglican Communion throughout the world, and has the Anglican Communion Cyle of Prayer.