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The Diocese of Moosonee...called by God to Live and Proclaim the Gospel

Category: From the Bishop

Sermon from Archbishop Fred Hiltz for the Feast of James, the Apostle

Sermon from Archbishop Fred Hiltz for the Feast of James, the Apostle

Sunday, July 26, 2020 The Feast of James, the Apostle Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Assisting Bishop of Moosonee “O blessed communion, fellowship divine, we feebly struggle, they in glory shine, yet all are one in thee, for all our thine. Alleluia! Alleluia!” Today in that blessed Communion of all Christ’s saints we remember Saint James. He […]

Sermon from Archbishop Fred Hiltz for National Indigenous Day of Prayer 2020

Sermon from Archbishop Fred Hiltz for National Indigenous Day of Prayer 2020

As we come to this sacred day in the life of our Country and in the life of the Church, it is wonderful to hear the song of the Psalmist. The law of the Lord is perfect and revives the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure and gives wisdom to the innocent. The […]

A Letter of Introduction to the Newly Ordained Clergy of Moosonee

A Letter of Introduction to the Newly Ordained Clergy of Moosonee

The Rev. Diane Hilpert-McIlroy: Mentor and Continuing Education Support June 18th, 2020 “Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundred fold, some sixty, some thirty.” (Matthew 13. 8) Dear Clergy, Greetings to you as we begin the ‘green and growing’ season of Pentecost in the church year which sometimes coincides […]

Statement on Summer plans in the Diocese of Moosonee

Statement on Summer plans in the Diocese of Moosonee

Dear friends in Algoma and Moosonee, Every day in the news we are hearing more about the Province of Ontario’s plans to open up in stages, and yesterday Premier Doug Ford made an announcement regarding houses of worship being able to resume services at 30% capacity on June 12th this year. The release of this […]

Sermon for Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sermon for Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2020

Greetings one and all on this festal day of the Blessed Trinity. Together we extend a special word of greeting to the congregation of Holy Trinity Church in Cochrane as they mark their Patronal Festival. Trinity Sunday is a wonderful crowning of the liturgical year, celebrating the work of God who creates us, redeems us, […]

Sabbath Rest in the Summer of 2020

Sabbath Rest in the Summer of 2020

“Its object is to give humankind relaxation from continuous and unending toil and by refreshing their bodies to send them out renewed into their old activities. A breathing spell enables ordinary people to collect their strength with a stronger force behind them to undertake each of the tasks set before them.” (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: […]

On a Summer Sabbath Rest: A letter from the Ontario House of Bishops to the faithful in Christ

On a Summer Sabbath Rest: A letter from the Ontario House of Bishops to the faithful in Christ

Dear friends in Christ, What a true blessing it was to join together from all parts of our vast ecclesiastical province for a special online worship celebration! On the Day of Pentecost we are reminded that God’s love has been poured into our hearts, and we pray for the Holy Spirit to come and renew […]

Food for Risen Bodies: Holy Week and Easter 2020

Food for Risen Bodies: Holy Week and Easter 2020

On that final night, his meal was formal: lamb with bitter leaves of endive, chervil, bread with olive oil and jars of wine. Now on Tiberias’ shores he grills a carp and catfish breakfast on a charcoal fire. This is not hunger, this is resurrection: He eats because he can, and wants to taste the […]

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